Exclusive Reviews

Safari 4 beta - Quickest Review

Not to be surprised but still apple has not left the battle field. Recently, Microsoft released the Internet Explorer 8 with all new features and add-ons. I’m sure you won’t miss that because that would ‘try it’s best’ to give you the best experience on a high speed connection. But what is you have a low speed connection or just the high speed connection isn’t available to you. Well, then if you are a tech geek, then the answer must be on the tip of your tongue. Apple Safari!. Apple Safari is the fastest web browser to date no matter what I have written in the ‘Want to browse even faster?…’ post but the new version of safari has got extremely stunning features. It boasts the all new features like the new Apple’s Cover Flo Concept in ‘History’ folder while still making the 3D looking Top Sites wall shine at home page. And what’s the best thing about it?, you can see screenshots of your pages you visited directly in the history folder and screenshots of pages you visit most on the Top Sites Wall. Apple hasn’t released the final version of Safari 4 but Beta version has been released.

While analyzing the Safari 4 beta, I was able to look many cool animations which occur mostly in the ‘Top Sites’ page.

But we are still disappointed with some facts which have been removed or let go in this version. Firstly, there's no 'process indicator' besides every tab. Let me explain you this. Suppose, if you have two tabs open and you are using a dial-up. You let http://www.microsoft.com open in one tab and http://www.apple.com in the other. As, you can view only one tab at a time, you are currently viewing Microsoft page and Apple page is still in background. You know that apple's page has not loaded yet but still you cannot see the process going on. As in previous versions, you had an animation animating besides the tabs. Here you don't have one. Secondly, you badly miss the brushed metal look in this version. Rather, you will have more cartoonish. And lastly, you also terribly miss the 'Apple Look' which you get in scroll bars and in progress bars. 

Microsoft’s Internet Explorer 8 despite of it’s reloaded and stuffed features could not overcome the Safari 4 because it seems too heavy. Really heavy because it takes a lot of time to launch while the Safari would launch in just 2-3 seconds as in apple style.

Microsoft Store
Microsoft Store